Hi all,

We now have a more up to date kernel repository for contributions to
the linux-yocto kernel or linux-yocto meta data (configs, patches).

(Michael indulged me and help set this up really quickly, so he gets
all the credit for the work on this).

Enough rambling, and onto the link:


This is just like the old contrib repository (linux-yocto-2.6.37-contrib),
except that it is up to date with the mainline kernel, and doesn't
have a version number stuck in the middle. There's a cron job that
will ensure that it stays up to date, saving bandwith on pushes
and pulls from the repo.

Anyone sending kernel pull requests should switch to using this repository.

We'll hide the old linux-yocto-2.6.37-contrib repository from the main
cgit page to reduce clutter, but the repo will still be present and


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