On 13-03-05 12:35 PM, Kamble, Nitin A wrote:

So the topic branch commit is present much deeper in the branch with
different commit-id.
May be merging of the emgd branch resulted it. Is it issue with the
emgd branch rebased to an undesired point?

It shouldn't be. That commit shouldn't be present in the repository at all (it
isn't in mine). The emgd branches are off master, same repo and can't bring
in something like this.

Right. I think it got placed there after merge with the emgd branch done by the

That doesn't make sense either. The merge of the emgd branch is just
the git merge of a locally staged branch in the linux-yocto repository.
That commit you reference shouldn't be in the emgd branch, or any
branch if a clean linux-yocto-3.8 tree is being used.



So something is getting tied in a knot when the repository is fetched into the
source dir.

I don't see any issue with the fetch. As noemgd BSPs are working as expected.

For your builds that work, do you have that commit present ?

The emenlow-noemgd build sees the right HEAD commit. So the issue is definitely 
something to do
with the merge with the emgd branch.


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