On 13-03-15 08:04 AM, Volker Vogelhuber wrote:

Interesting. Are you working out of yocto/oe-core master ? The linux
yocto kernel support should always fail if the kernel source dir
isn't a git repo (or convert it into one) and not impact the main
yocto/oe-core tree.
As mentioned in the first post, I checked out the danny branch.

I used the following bitbake recipe for kernel compilation:

inherit kernel
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc

SECTION = "kernel"

LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d7810fab7487fb0aad327b76f1be7cd7"

DESCRIPTION = "Linux kernel for the tao-boards"
KERNEL_CC_append += "-mno-unaligned-access "


PV = "2.6.37"

MACHINE_KERNEL_PR_append = "c+tn"

SRC_URI = "file://linux-2.6.37-tn.tar.xz \
            file://defconfig \
            file://nonetwork.patch \
            file://rtc.patch \

S = "${WORKDIR}/linux-2.6.37-tn"

# Sadly perf is broken:
do_compile_perf() {

do_validate_branches() {

do_install_perf() {

After I removed the require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc
line it worked. As you can see I have a .tar.xz file for the kernel source, so
no git. But the git command within the linux-yocto.inc file
realizes, that there is a git repository. But it's not one from the
kernel, but from the poky repository the whole build environment is
located in.

Hmmm. This is definitely supposed to error in the build process.
If you use linux-yocto-custom as a baseline recipe (from meta-skeleton),
you'll find the tgz that is unpacked by the build system is converted
to a git repository before the build starts, allow all the tool extensions
to work with configs that for one reason or another can't use a git
backed tree.

I just tested it here, and it worked, using the latest code in master.



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