Seems like this ought to be pretty easy based on the docs - Not sure what I've 
got wrong. I've added an append to my layer w/


SRC_URI += "0001-yada-yada.patch"

# Comment out while debugging
#PRINC := "${@int(PRINC) + 1}"

The append file is in BBFILES. The patch file is in the same dir as the append 
file (using a files sub-dir didn't help). Been doing "bitbake -c patch -f pkg" 
to test/debug. (pkg is canutils, which is autconf based)

Ran into a couple thing I didn't understand trying to debug. I tried adding

do_patch_append() {
    bbnote "Got here "

to log my append file was getting picked up, but the parse failed.

Didn't get errors if the patch file name was wrong. The log only has a git 
ls-remote (which seems a little odd).

Any help would be appreciated.


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