On May 22, 2013, at 4:15 PM, <steve.sc...@microchip.com> wrote:

> Based upon the routerstationpro machine default, we have created a 
> meta-mchp-sasha layer and it works as expected meaning it boots and the file 
> system image works on our test hardware platform. We want to modify the 
> recipe for the meta-mchp-sasha layer to include two graphics libraries that 
> we want to give to customers as prebuilt binaries, but we do not want to 
> include source code. In our case, we want to include vgraphics.ko and 
> libVgraphics.so in the file system image. Our problem is that we don’t know 
> how to do this, but it seems like a simple set of two recipes and including 
> them using IMAGE_INSTALL += “vgraphics libvgraphics”.
> Assuming we know how to extract the prebuilt graphics libs from our local git 
> repo, what do we have to include in our Yocto project meta-mchp-sasha layer 
> to allow “bitbake core-image-minimal” to find the graphics libraries and 
> place them in the right part of the file system image?

so in your recipe (your-bins.bb) you would provide a SRC_URI which probably is 
a tar ball containing your binary artifacts. then in you recipe you would have
a do_install () which will take them from WORKDIR and install them wherever 
they need to be in ${D}${libdir} and so on.

Then you would add a new recipe for your own image say 
which has 

require path/to/core-image-minimal.bb

IMAGE_INSTALL += "your-bins"

> Thank you,
> Steve Scott
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