Sean, AlexG, MichaelH, Corneliu, Cristian, Darren, Beth, Richard, Tom, Paul, 
Belen, Nitin, Bruce, Song


* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto 1.4.1 status - 5 min (Paul)
  - Patches in my queue built ok, sent to mailing list. Will be merged. One bug 
fix patch has been sent, about x32 key creation. Sent email to bug owners for 
1.4.1 bugs. 10 bugs in the list: 2 doc bugs. A couple cannot be reproduced. 
4347/4358/4518 don't have patches. Action item: RP will talk with Paul and 
scrub 1.4.1 bugs.
  - RC2 conflict with QA vacation. Two options: 1. pull in schedule if 
possible. 2. let RC2 slip a few days.
* Yocto 1.5 status - 10 min (Song/team)
  - Bugs: 290, higher than normal. The QA report has a lot of red. Darren will 
follow up with the bug scrub team to make sure we scrub the bugs this week. 
Find out if there is any problem. Darren there any problem.
  - Feature development: M1 high feature 1584, to deliver a plan integrating 
security tools with QA automated process. RO QA team will follow up and make 
sure we deliver in M1.
  - Song will follow up with AlexD on webhob development.

* SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Ioana Grigoropol (Song will send email to Ioana)

* Opens - 10 min

* Team Sharing - 20 min
  - RP: spend time mostly on bitbake. Web hob, memory residing bitbake require 
bitbake change. Especially the cooker. Less time doing other things such as 
patch merging. A number of bitbake hang, do-package hanging, do not know how 
widespread those issues are, if people see them, please let me know. Would like 
to have more date points.
  - Beth: An intern starting on YP. She's going to doing some work on security.
  - Bruce: working through some non-x32 work. If someone is working on it, 
please let me know. Network issues, 3.4 kernel, will be working on 3.10 kernel. 
3.4 - ltsi kernel, 3.8 current kernel, 3.10 dev kernel. making them work for 
gcc 4.8. RP: qemu arm is not booting in the QA tests. AlexG will follow up with 
more information.
  - MichaelH: publishing build blog will continue. Drupal conference.  Putting 
Linux foundation collaborative sign on our site. Getting oe list working 
properly. Meeting with OSL, after power upgrade, UPS is not adequate. We will 
move to another row. Will be some downtime for this.
  - Darren: released RC2 for Minnow BSP and firmware last week. Find a way to 
populate the MAC. Koen released the RC2 version of the Angstrom image going 
through final stage of testing. The final board is being manufactured.

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