On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 02:01:11PM +0100, Katu Txakur wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm failing to load a kernel module named spike doing this:
> 1) add the recipe (inherit module), based in a Makefile with
> modules_install:
> $(MAKE) INSTALL_MOD_DIR=kernel/drivers/spike -C $(KERNEL_SRC) M=$(SRC)
> modules_install
> 2) Add the package to the image with IMAGE_INSTALL += "spike" in the
> local.conf file
> 3) In the machine/mymachine.conf I've added
>         module_autoload_spike = "spike"
> The driver gets added to the image and I can load it with insmod spike,
> however, I would like to load it at boot time.
> A workaround is to create a file with the name spike.conf and write spike
> inside. Copying that file to /etc/modules-load.d/spike.conf
> loads the driver correctly, but I need to do it from a recipe.
> Can anyone spot what am I doing wrong?

module_autoload won't work with external module unless you inherit also

Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: martin.ja...@gmail.com

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