Hi Jonathan,

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Jonathan Austin
<jonathan.aus...@arm.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've been looking at the ADT, and specifically building a custom SDK/ADT for
> a particular board...
> This is an ARM board, so I thought I'd set:
> Sadly, that doesn't work. I'm trying to understand why.
> Despite changing YOCTOADT_REPO in my adt_installer.conf, the adt_installer
> fails to find the cross canadian package group for my board...
> Unknown package 'packagegroup-cross-canadian-myboard
> Looking at the log, I see that the installer is still looking on the yocto
> servers for (nativesdk) files. I can see that the nativesdk locations are
> hard-coded in opkg/conf/opkg-sdk-i686.conf - so I guess it isn't surprising
> that it can't find the right board, the Yocto servers know nothing of
> myboard at this stage!

Noticed your unanswered questions only today, while looking for
ADT-related threads on the list: hope this can still be helpful...
Urls in the opkg config files you mention depend upon the value of the
variable ADTREPO in
Try setting ADTREPO accordingly to your local repo (i.e. in you
local.conf) and bitbake adt-installer again.

Otherwise, adt-installer's recipe sets default to:

ADTREPO ?= "http://adtrepo.yoctoproject.org/${SDK_VERSION}";

> Seeing those hardcoded paths made me wonder if I was using the
> YOCTOADT_TARGET_MACHINE_arm variable wrong...
> Would it be 'right' to specify just 'arm' here? This is an imx6 board, and
> TARGET_SYS = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi". By my understanding, this will affect
> which toolchain I get, among other things. I'd defintiely like a machine
> specific sysroot, for example[1]
> So - what's the meaning/point of this TARGET_MACHINE_arch option? I see that
> there exists:
> packagegroup-cross-canadian-imx53qsb_1.0-r0_all.ipk
>  - so clearly someone's felt the need to use something other than just 'arm'
> here in the past!
> Has anyone else done an ADT for a custom board that uses the ADT
> infrastructure?
> Do you create a detailed overlay to the adt-installer recipe and change
> config, etc?
> It feels a little like I'm missing a step when generating the ADT that tells
> it more important details about what I'm creating - if so, sorry for the
> questions, but please could you point me there?

BTW, did you manage to support developers by providing a custom
adt-insteller for your machine?
I'm also investigating a productive workflow for supporting
application developers with evolving SDKs... Would be nice to share
findings and solutions on the topic.


> Thanks
> Jonny
> [1] I think that my images currently have to be called 'core-image-xxx' to
> work with existing ADT scripts, unless I'm missing some config somewhere,
> but that's a different issue that I'll dig into shortly
> --
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