On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Chris Tapp <opensou...@keylevel.com> wrote:

> Hi John,
> On 8 May 2014, at 16:25, r10kindsofpeople <r10kindsofpeo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm trying to experiment with the SATO build on a DN2800MT with a VGA
> monitor, but can't seem to get going.  The binaries from Daisy and
> genericX86 get as far as the Yocto progress bar complete, and then go
> black.  Any quick hints?
> Have a look in the README file for the cedartrail BSP. At the bottom you
> will find:
> Work Around for VGA and LVDS Display issue in PVR driver
> --------------------------------------------------------
> The PVR driver has a issue that for some systems it causes
> it to incorrectly assume that a LVDS display is connected
> while infact a VGA display is connected and Vice Versa.
> If your VGA or LVDS display does not work with
> "cedartrail" MACHINE, then if you have connected a VGA display,
> add the following to the kernel command line:
> video=LVDS-1:d video=VGA-1:e
> <snip>
> I suspect it's this. Watch out if you use HDMI as well - the VGA fix seems
> to break HDMI. On my systems the VGA then works, but the HDMI pauses a lot
> running the same image! I think you can use similar magic for HDMI (or did
> I just take it out?).
> > I note also that genericX86 looks like a complete Yocto tree rather than
> just BSP layers.  Am I right, and are there hints on how to combine this
> with a generic Daisy tree for other processors/projects?
> >
> >
> Yocto_11_0_0/genericx86-daisy-11.0.0/meta-yocto-bsp/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/genericx86/xorg.conf
> is a zero length file.   ?
> >
> > John
> > --
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> Chris Tapp
> opensou...@keylevel.com
> www.keylevel.com
> Chris,

Thanks!  What version Yocto are you using?  I ask because you suggest I
check the README file for the cedartrail BSP, but I've been unable to FIND
a cedartrail BSP in anything newer than Denzil, and that only by searching
the git trees.  genericX86 is said to cover cedartrail, but it does seem,
well, generic, with nothing particularly specific to cedartrail, and much
more than what I'm used to in a Yocto BSP.

At any rate, I'll try what you suggest in terms of the kernel command line.

Thanks again,

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