Am 14.05.2014 16:27, schrieb Burton, Ross:
> On 14 May 2014 15:22, Neuer User <> wrote:
>> Then started a bitbake. Got a strange error "LCONF_VERSION is 6, should
>> be 5 in bblayers.conf". So I changed it to 5.
> So that's because the Poky layers are a version higher than the
> oe-core layers.  Once you stop using Poky the version drops.  Annoying
> but you won't have to do it again.
Hmm, even if I include poky.conf? Or should I rather use "inherit"?
Would it make a difference? I will make a fast test.

>> Then bitbake works, but it seems to recompile ALL packages?! Is this
>> correct. (I stopped it as it will take half a day to finish).
> Yes.  bitbake doesn't know that "nfc" only actually impacts a few
> recipes, so a changed DISTRO_FEATURES means a new toolchain which
> means everything else rebuilds.
Strangely, when adding the "DISTRO_FEATURES_remove" to local.conf
instead of making a new distro, bitbake does not recompile everything?!

> Half a day for a build suggests you're building in a VM or a slow
> laptop: I recommend using a desktop machine with plenty of RAM.
It's a VM, but just for management purposes. The host is a core-i7
desktop machine. However, I do have Qt5 and this alone takes app 1-2
hours to build. (Actually, only Qt5webkit alone takes more than half an
hour). :-/

> Ross

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