
I am trying to build a simple recipe for a package called "pyotherside".
It currently looks like this:

SUMMARY = "Python3 bindings for Qt5"
DESCRIPTION = "New framework for including pyhton interpreter into Qt5 apps"
HOMEPAGE = "http://thp.io/2011/pyotherside/";

PV = "1.2+git${SRCPV}"

SRCREV = "87e5eaf4707261dfcb37d7daadef018266c83d5a"

SRC_URI = "git://github.com/thp/pyotherside.git;branch=master;protocol=git \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git/"

DEPENDS = "qtdeclarative python3 python3-native"
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "qtdeclarative-qmlplugins"

require recipes-qt/qt5/qt5.inc

It is WIP, so e.g. the license is stil wrong.

The package depends on Qt5 and Python3.

I am currently experiencing two (rather small) problems:

1.) the configure step does not find "python3-config". It is located in

If I do a devshell and edit run.do_configure, I can add this path to the
PATH env variable, and then everything works.

How can I modify my recipe, so that this path is automatically added?

2.) The "python3-config" script just uses "#!/usr/bin/env python" to
define its interpreter, so the system starts the script with python2. If
I change the script manually, it works.

What would be the correct way to change my receipt to make it work? Or
would I need to change the python3 recipe to patch this file?

Thanks for your help!


P.S.: Seems, pyotherside is working nicely...

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