On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Darcy Watkins
<darcy.watk...@inmotiontechnology.com> wrote:
> I use a layout much like Freescale Community BSP project that uses
> 'repo' to pull together the layers based on a manifest.
> I noticed this when a syncup triggered the toolchain to rebuild.
> Since I hadn't had anything trigger toolchain to rebuild since July 17,
> I tried 'git checkout' all my layers, oe layers and yocto layers to
> specific hashes to get back to the state I had in July 17.  I blew away
> the sstate-cache, cache and tmp and rebuilt from scratch.  Same thing.
> Are there floating git references related to the toolchain that could
> have updated independent of the meta data that could still go forward of
> Jul 17?
> In any case, it appears that my 64bit Fedora machine at home is not
> affected by this, but my 32bit CentOS 6 machine at work is affected by
> it.
> Anyone know what happened?

can you apply the following patch to binutils and retry

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