On 09/08/2014 07:08 PM, Leo Schwab wrote:
> We'd like to have the system images we build to contain a build id, or
> at least a pile of information inside the image itself that lets us
> identify which build is being run/tested.  Indeed, the information
> 'bitbake' kicks out just as it starts a build is exactly the sort of
> thing we'd like sitting in a file in the image somewhere.
> I turned on the 'buildhistory' feature in conf/local.conf which, among
> other things, generates a 'build-id' file.  However, it doesn't place
> it in the image, but in an entirely separate directory hierarchy.
> Surely this sort of thing has been done before.  Is there an existing
> recipe I can use, or will I have to cobble together a custom recipe
> out of buildhistory_get_layers() or get_layers_branch_rev()?

I was asking the same question yesterday. I have a hacky solution for my
immediate need, but I'd like a long term solution along these lines also.

Should we add this to bugzilla and see if we can get it done for 1.8? (I
think I ahve the version number right)


> Thanks,
> Schwab
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