Ok, after much strife, here's what I've gotten working.  I installed the
Plugin via "Install New Software" through Eclipse:

1. While configuring the ADT Plugin for Eclipse, instead of "Build system
derived toolchain" I select "Standalone Pre-Built Toolchain."
2. Instead of BUILD as the top directory, I use build/tmp (the location of
the environment-setup script that gets created with bitbake
3. Open Eclipse in a shell where I've already sourced that
environment-setup script <-- not sure if that's actually necessary.

Thanks to everyone for their help.. hope this helps someone else!

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 9:15 PM, Bob Cochran <yo...@mindchasers.com> wrote:

> I hope one of the Intel ADT developers will jump in to help you out.
> Here are a few other long shots (things that I'm doing, and it works good
> for me):
> i) Make sure you set your environment before you start eclipse.  In other
> words, invoke eclipse from a shell with the proper paths set up.
> ii) Use at least Poky 1.6 (I'm currently using master with success).
> iii) Use the pre-built plugin
> There's also an ADT installer script, but I have never tried it.  I do
> everything working from git & build everything from scratch (except the
> Yocto ADT Eclipse plugin).
> Good luck!
> Bob
> On 09/12/2014 08:57 PM, Nemicolopterus Crypticus wrote:
>> Yes - I can source the script, and I do successfully get my path
>> updated. That's unfortunate.  I can run the toolchain on the command
>> line, but the developers I am working with need to use Eclipse. The
>> plug-in seems like the right solution, so I would very much like to get
>> this to work.
>> It occurred to me that these issues might be because I'm using an older
>> version of bitbake:
>> $ bitbake --version
>> BitBake Build Tool Core version 1.20.0, bitbake version 1.20.0
>> Could that have something to do with the failure?
>> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Bob Cochran <yo...@mindchasers.com
>> <mailto:yo...@mindchasers.com>> wrote:
>>     On 09/12/2014 12:57 PM, Nemicolopterus Crypticus wrote:
>>           >Just double checking that you are specifying the "toolchain
>> root
>>         location" as your top level build directory (the one above
>>         /conf/local.conf - the directory where you run bitbake).
>>         Yes that occurred to me too, since the phrasing is a bit unclear.
>> I
>>         tried both.  Here's a depiction of my directory structure:
>>         oe-core
>>                |---- build
>>                     |---- conf (including local.conf)
>>                     |---- downloads
>>                     |---- tmp-eglibc
>>                        |---- environment-setup-blahblah
>>                        |---- <etc.>
>>                     |---- <etcc>
>>                |---- bitbake
>>                |---- gcc-toolchain
>>                |---- meta
>>                |---- <etc. lots more>
>>         I tried with the root at build, and in build/tmp-eglibc with no
>>         luck.
>>         Is it possible the toolchain didn't get built?
>>     What happens when you source your environment script?  You should
>>     have your path set up to find your cross toolchain.  If that's the
>>     case, you should be able to run the toolchain on the command line.
>>     I work with the powerpc toolchain, so I can cross-compile a simple
>>     test app after sourcing my env script:
>>     powerpc64-poky-linux-gcc main.c -o tst
>>     and verify I have generated a 64-bit powerpc ELF executable with
>>     file tst
>>     I'm just wondering since
>>         that's what the error claims. Is there any way to confirm that the
>>         toolchain did indeed get built?  I ran bitbake
>>         meta-ide-toolchain, but
>>         our system is large and I'm not familiar with every aspect of
>>         it. Is it
>>         possible some other settings elsewhere got changed in a way that
>>         would
>>         prevent the toolchain from building?
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