On 11/13/2014 02:10 PM, Mike Looijmans wrote:
Next challenge is to calibrate the touch screen...

Hmm. That's a big disappointment.

I've been using "ts_calibrate" in the past, and that worked just fine on this board.

Sato uses an X application for this, and it's apparently borked or so.

It does not run at startup, as I'd expect it to do (though it seems to be setup for that).

running "DISPLAY=0:0 xinput_calibrator_once.sh" displays it, but it doesn't really work. I can only "touch" the crosses in the upper left and right corner, but it does not accept the lower right one.

I ran it with the "-v" option to get some more info, and this is what it displays when I click the crosses. The lower left one causes the "Not adding..." output.

root@topic-miami-florida-med-xc7z015:~# xinput_calibrator -v
DEBUG: XInputExtension version is 2.3
DEBUG: Skipping virtual master devices and devices without axis valuators.
DEBUG: Skipping device 'Virtual core XTEST pointer' id=4, does not report Absolute events.
DEBUG: Selected device: AD7879 Touchscreen
DEBUG: Not usbtouchscreen calibrator: Not a usbtouchscreen device
DEBUG: Read axes swap value of 0.
DEBUG: Read InvertX=0, InvertY=0.
Calibrating EVDEV driver for "AD7879 Touchscreen" id=6
current calibration values (from XInput): min_x=0, max_x=1024 and min_y=0, max_y=600
DEBUG: Adding click 0 (X=1023, Y=599)
DEBUG: Adding click 1 (X=607, Y=599)
DEBUG: Not adding click 2 (X=1023, Y=599): within 7 pixels of previous click
DEBUG: Not adding click 2 (X=1023, Y=599): within 7 pixels of previous click
DEBUG: Not adding click 2 (X=1023, Y=599): within 7 pixels of previous click

Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

TOPIC Embedded Systems
Eindhovenseweg 32-C, NL-5683 KH Best
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Telefoon: (+31) (0) 499 33 69 79
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E-mail: mike.looijm...@topic.nl
Website: www.topic.nl

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