On 09/03/2015 17:50, Kfrell wrote:
> I am using Yocto and I just would like to integrate a new library 
> in my project.
> I create a new recipe named "libxerces" which contains a file
> "libxerces-3.1.1.bb". The bb file is quite simple and it is based 
> on autotools : 
> DESCRIPTION = "Xerces-c is a validating xml parser written in C++"
> HOMEPAGE = "http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c/";
> PRIORITY = "optional"
> LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57"
> PR = "r1"
> "http://mirror.serversupportforum.de/apache/xerces/c/3/sources/xerces-c-${PV}.tar.gz";
> SRC_URI[md5sum] = "6a8ec45d83c8cfb1584c5a5345cb51ae"
> SRC_URI[sha256sum] =
> "a42785f71e0b91d5fd273831c87410ce60a73ccfdd207de1b805d26d44968736"
> s="${WORKDIR}/xerces-c-${PV}"
> inherit autotools pkgconfig
> BBCLASSEXTEND += "native"
> I added "libxerces" to my bb image by using IMAGE_INSTALL += " libxerces".
> Then, I try to build my image thru bitbake my-image-test and eveything is
> done correctly but libxerces returns some errors :
> I just would like to create the .ipk package named libxerces in 
> which .so files should be available.

This might possibly help. The example I created shows how to build a
package including an autotools generated library


Regards, Alex

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