Hey All:

I'm trying to switch a large project we've been working on for years from 
TinyCore to yocto.

I've avoided dealing with this up until now, but it can't wait any longer.

I want to keep the yocto SDK that we distribute to our development team as lean 
as possible so that we don't have to send out ~100MB install scripts every week.

We do, however, have a lot of internally developed libraries that change during 
each major release, so I need a simple way of installing the packages for those 
libraries and their dependencies to the target sysroot in the SDK dir 

The documentation covers this scenario briefly here:


Here's the problem. Yocto sets the default package output type to RPM, but the 
example uses OPKG. So I switched the output to ipk, but OPKG doesn't allow 
capital letters in the package names. I've put together about 40 some recipes 
for our libraries and tools, many of which have capital letters.

I've tried to get the rpm command line tool to install packages from the build 
repo to the sysroot directory, but haven't had any luck. After a bit of 
Googling, I've found most RPM reference for repos will refer to YUM commands, 
which isn't much help.

I also tried to use smartpm on my workstation since it's the recommended 
package manager for runtime (on the target itself), but smart has very little 
reference so I ran into a wall there as well.

Right now it looks like I have two options:

1)      Bite the bullet and switch all my recipes to use names that don't 
violate OPKGs naming rules.

2)      Find a way to make RPM work.

What do you guys recommend? Any suggestions for the RPM route?


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