
For various reasons, we have a need to work with pre-compiled external 
toolchains, in this case, the 2014-09 Linaro aarch64 release.  A key difference 
between this specific toolchain vs. the Fido/1.8 out of the box toolchain 
(4.9.2 + patches?), is that the Linaro version is built with 
--enable-multiarch.  We end up with applications built with search paths such 
as /lib/aarch64, /usr/lib/aarch64, etc,  but libraries installed in the normal 
/lib, /usr/lib paths.  Obviously if we use the built-in toolchain recipes in 
1.8, life is good, search paths match install paths.

I wanted to understand a couple points.

1)      What are the long term goals/roadmap are in this area specific to 

2)      Where is the "right" place to deal with this?

a.       Configure (based on detected toolchain capability)

b.      Install (override library destination?)

c.       Other?

3)      Any other examples that can be used as a reference?

I've seen a few emails in the archives that seem to touch on this, but none 
that really seemed to come to any conclusion.


Luke Starrett
yocto mailing list

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