Hi Ron,

On Tuesday, April 05, 2016 10:37:07 AM Ronald Oakes wrote:
> When I try to build either emulated or real 64 bit distributions on an
> isolated system running Debian 8.0.3 (using BB_NO_NETWORK = "1"),
> utilizing a downloads directory copied from a system running Centos
> 7.2.1511, I get a failure in the do_install step for Python.

Could you please post the error message from the log file of the install task 
for Python?

> I plan on recopying Python.tar.xz onto my isolated station and trying
> again.  But, if this doesn't resolve the problem are there any
> suggestions?

Considering that according to your info above the failure occurs during the 
install task, the source package is most likely not the culprit. However, the 
source tarball should be named something like Python-2.7.11.tar.xz which 
includes the version number.

> For what it is worth, we're probably going to be moving to newer, but
> still isolated, build stations shortly.  These new stations will be
> running RedHat instead of Debian if that might make a difference.

> Thank You
>   Ron Oakes

Best regards,
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