Thanks Ross,
I have added "EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-shared", as asterisk needs shared 
libraries: these don't get the suffix and asterisk builds fine.
I am still getting a whole slew of host contamination warnings, eg "pjproject: 
/pjproject-staticdev/usr/lib/libpjsua-x86_64-poky-linux-gnu.a is owned by uid 
1000, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to host 
contamination".  I can find some references to this happening in release tests 
but not how it was fixed.
Can you shine any light on the "-fdebug-prefix-map" related fatal QA errors?  
(leaking host paths) I've found some discussion in openembedded that suggests 
this should be fixed in the compiler but again I am curious why this (very 
simple) recipe has this issue but others don't.
The only 'odd' thing I've need to do is add "do_configure_prepend() { LD=$CXX }
If I get these recipes (asterisk/pjproject) to an acceptable level I could 
propose them (back) into openembedded?
pjproject hasn't been touched for 6 years and has some custom steps I don't 
( is 
simarly out of date on openembedded, although there is also asterisk in 
 that is referenced.
'My' asterisk recipe is based on the one from meta-telephony so I should get in 
touch with the authors.
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 08:41:14 +0100
Subject: Re: [yocto] Build Errors with new recipe for pjproject 

On 27 April 2016 at 07:27, Chris Trobridge <> wrote:
Aside from the issues I mentioned previously, pjproject is detecting 
cross-compilation and this causes it to append '-x86_64-poky-linux-gnu' to all 
its library names.
This is then breaking autotools configuration in other recipes that are testing 
for the base name.
Is it common for a build process to differentiate cross compiled libraries like 
this?  Is there a preferred way to deal with it?
No, that's rather unusual.  Typically you'd just have a different libdir per 
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