On Fri, 2016-06-17 at 14:42 -0700, Christopher Larson wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 8:31 AM, Jolley, Stephen K <
> stephen.k.jol...@intel.com> wrote:
> > ·        There is a multilib issue related to the layout of the
> > host libraries leaking into python’s build process which we’re
> > struggling to debug
> Could I get some details on this? I've seen something like this where
> cmake and automake are relying on sys.lib from python3-native/python
> -native to determine the sitepackages directory, is that the behavior
> others are hitting? So python modules end up in /usr/lib/ rather than
> /usr/lib64/, for example?
> If that's the issue in question, the issue is the mismatch between
> the native sys.lib and target. We already patch automake to fall back
> to using our libdir + python version to determine the path, but only
> if it wasn't able to use sys.lib to do so. If we change that to
> always use libdir+python version, it should fix the automake
> packages. Then we might need to patch FindPythonLibs in cmake to do
> the same. I'm testing the automake change locally now.

https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9717 is the bug


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