On 11/03/2016 03:06 PM, Gary Thomas wrote:
I recall seeing some discussion in the past about using shallow
GIT clones when importing repositories?  Is this ever going to

The reason I ask is that I routinely save the GIT tarballs and
some of them are obscenely obese :-(  The worst of the bunch
is the device firmware for the RaspberryPi (as of today):
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 gthomas gthomas 6321877646 Nov  3 12:13

This particular tar file increased by more than 300MB since
the last time I downloaded it (only 2016-09-13!)  I routinely
slosh these files across the oceans (sometimes using tin cans
and strings it seems) and this can be very tedious.  Is there
anything that can be done to make these files a bit more manageable?

Yes. You can investigate if the upstream produces tarball releases, and convince them to do it if they don't. Generally we prefer tarball downloads in oe-core for this exact reason, but it is not always possible.


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