I've been trying to understand (as was recently posted here by
another user) why native recipes are not being well shared/reused
by the sstate-cache mechanism.  I have a build machine where I
do lots of builds for various targets.  I would think (hope!)
that xxx-native packages would be the same for every build and
if I have the sstate mirror set up correctly, be shared appropriately.
To this end, I have one "master" build that I always run first
whenever the metadata changes, then point all the other builds
at that tree.

For the most part, this works pretty well, but there are still
some places where it doesn't.  Here are a couple of examples
which I've investigated:

* glib-2.0-native depends on ${DISTRO_FEATURES}
  To me this seems silly as "native" should be "native" and
  not depend on any distribution settings.  Here's the code
  that's causing it (in do_install)

        if [ -f ${D}${datadir}/installed-tests/glib/gdbus-serialization.test ]; 
                if ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "x11", "false", 
"true", d)}; then

  Obviously this isn't important for a native package.  Any
  suggestions on how I might keep this from creeping in?

* xxx-native packages are not shared if ${DISTRO} is different.
  Again, this seems wrong as "native" packages should really only
  depend on the build ${HOST}, not ${DISTRO}

I'm looking at this for the sole purpose of reducing the load on my
build machine.  Any package that can be shared and not have to be
rebuilt just makes it more productive :-)

Thanks for any ideas or comments

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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