Hello Leon,

Thank you for the answer!

I read the documentation, it doesn't really give me more than general hints what to try (or maybe I read at the wrong place). I also read in "Embedded Linux Project Using Yocto Project Cookbook". I know that bitbake should use autotools somehow. I set up my directories exactly like the other projects which work without any issues. The other project, however, are simple executables.

What is unclear to me:
To what shall SCR_URI point? The git repo? Downloaded .tar.gz file? The source dir copied into the project directory besided the recipe)? I tried all these ways already, each bringing up a different error, basically.

Do I need to change do_install() or does the makefile handles it? If I interpret the documentation and the book correctly, I don't need to do anything more in the recipe...

When I want to fetch from git, it complains about the SRCREF not being set. So I tried to set it to the most recent commit of the repo in the recipe file, but it gave another error. I also tried to "append" it somehow to the git URI which didn't work either.

Note that I need to include the development version of openssl, not openssl itself (on Ubuntu host you do something like apt install openssl-dev).

The recipe is appended, if it helps:

# Recipe created by recipetool
# This is the basis of a recipe and may need further editing in order to be fully functional.
# (Feel free to remove these comments when editing.)
# WARNING: the following LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM values are best guesses - it is
# your responsibility to verify that the values are complete and correct.
LICENSE = "Unknown"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=c8ee358fdf91d887aa014c8712e8c22d"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "da7315f9bc22ff4c24a1cef404b4f3a8"
# No information for SRC_URI yet (only an external source tree was specified) SRC_URI = "/usr/local/dey-2.0/sources/meta-training/recipes-examples/tr-50/tr-50-0.1/" #SRC_URI = "git://https://github.com/inhedron/libtr50.git;rev=aedc45c4e9a9a9a3aa301616ad03f07b903d9a81";
#SRC_URI = "file:///home/jakob/Downloads/libtr50-0.1.0.tar.gz"
#SRCREF = "aedc45c4e9a9a9a3aa301616ad03f07b903d9a81"

DEPENDS = "openssl "
# NOTE: if this software is not capable of being built in a separate build directory # from the source, you should replace autotools with autotools-brokensep in the
# inherit line
inherit autotools

# Specify any options you want to pass to the configure script using EXTRA_OECONF:
EXTRA_OECONF = " --with-examples"

#    eo_runmake install DESTDIR=${D} PREFIX=${D}

Thanks in advance for any answers!

All the best,

On 27.01.2017 14:39, Leon Woestenberg wrote:
Hi Jakob,

welcome on-board.

The Yocto community expects you to re-use the available documentation and online resources (or even offline resources like books) on Yocto or OpenEmbedded. Then if things remains unclear you can ask questions here on the mailing list and on IRC channels yocto.

Your question (and probably a lot of subsequent things you learn on the way) can be answered by the documentation and existing resources.

I would recommend to read the documentation, then find an existing recipe that uses "autotools" and another that DEPENDS on openssl.

There are a lot of resources online:





On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Jakob Hasse <jakob.ha...@smart-home-technology.ch <mailto:jakob.ha...@smart-home-technology.ch>> wrote:


    I'm beginning with Yocto.
    I would like to know where to find general help (like a forum, or
    mailing lists) for my Yocto-related technical problems.
    Right now I have problems just integrating a library into my
    build. Later I will also do system development.

    If this helps, a further description of my most urgent problem:

    I want to integrate the tr-50 library, available on github:


    It is managed via autotools.
    I built a new project subdirectory in my custom layer for the lib.
    I built a basic recipe (with some tool) which, in principle should
    somehow recognize the autotools and build the project then. I
    changed the SCR_URI to the local .tar.gz file. But when I build,
    it comes down to this:
    make: *** No rule to make target 'install'.  Stop.
    I don't know if and which parameters I should change in the recipe.
    Another problem is that the lib needs openssl-dev. I can't find
    how to include openssl-dev into the Yocto build.

    Looking forward for your answers, best regards,

-- Jakob Hasse
    Software Developement

    E: jakob.ha...@smart-home-technology.ch
    T: +41 44 552 02 66 <tel:%2B41%2044%20552%2002%2066>

    Smart Home Technology GmbH
    www.smart-home-technology.ch <http://www.smart-home-technology.ch>

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Jakob Hasse
Software Developement

E: jakob.ha...@smart-home-technology.ch
T: +41 44 552 02 66

Smart Home Technology GmbH

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