On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 12:26 AM, Trevor Woerner <twoer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to build a certain combination of software for a given SoC. mesa
> (meta-gl, specifically) provides a libgbm, but if you don't want to use mesa's
> libgbm you can disable it with a PACKAGECONFIG. I.e.
>         PACKAGECONFIG_remove_pn-mesa-gl = "gbm"
> It works, and looking at the packages-split I can verify that nothing gets
> installed for either mesa's libgbm nor libgbm-dev.
> This particular SoC's BSP, however, provides an SoC-specific libgbm that
> should be used in place of mesa's. This is easy, set the PREFERRED_PROVIDER,
> tell mesa you don't want its gbm and everything is good, right?
> :-(
> The build fails because the *packagedata* from both mesa-gl and this SoC's
> specific libgbm collide. The packagedata, I guess, states what *might* be
> installed. So since both packages might install /usr/lib/libgbm, the build
> freaks out:
>         ERROR: mesa-gl-2_17.0.2-r0 do_packagedata_setscene: The recipe 
> mesa-gl is trying to install files into a shared area when those files 
> already exist. Those files and their manifest location are:
> /z/build-master/bbb/build/tmp-glibc/pkgdata/beaglebone/runtime/libgbm-dev
>             (matched in manifest-beaglebone-libgbm.packagedata)
> /z/build-master/bbb/build/tmp-glibc/pkgdata/beaglebone/runtime/libgbm
>             (matched in manifest-beaglebone-libgbm.packagedata)
>         Please verify which recipe should provide the above files.

mesa-gl is a separate recipe, if its providing more than gbm and that
extra stuff is needed too in your package thats when you might run
into these kind of issues. I would suggest to divide mesa-gl further
into more granular recipes.

> This is very annoying because, even if hell froze over and somehow both libgbm
> and mesa-gl installed both of their libgbm packages, there would actually only
> be one provider since mesa-gl's libgbm package is, in fact, empty.
> Is there a way to get this to work? I can't not build mesa-gl, because I need
> some of its parts (virtual/mesa, virtual/libgl) and I can't not use the SoC's
> libgbm because (I'm guessing) that's what I'm supposed to use.
> --
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