On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 4:40 PM, Giuseppe Di Guglielmo <
giuseppe.diguglie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to create a new recipe for Bazel (from Google):
> https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/install-compile-source.html
> The standard compilation flow is relatively simple: "Unzip the archive
> and call bash ./compile.sh; this will create a bazel binary in
> output/bazel. This binary is self-contained, so it can be copied to a
> directory on the PATH (such as /usr/local/bin) or used in-place."
> I need some support on how to debug the recipe file that I attach.
> In do_compile(), I run bash ./compile.sh. This requires the JAVA_HOME
> variable that I export hard-coded because at the moment I do not know how
> to fetch that path in a recipe. At this point the compile.sh fails and I do
> not know how to debug. Please, can you have a look at it and provide me
> some comments?

How does it fail? What is the log from bitbake? Please also provide the
layers configuration that bitbake shows.
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