Hi Jakob,

>On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 11:15:42AM +0100, Jakob Hasse wrote:
>we need to change the tty on which busybox is sitting. Right now I could change
> the UART for the kernel and all program output after the boot to our favorite 
> UART (via kernel cmd line). But the login promt and all interaction with the 
> device is still on the old UART. So I guess it's a busybox configuration 
> issue.
> Furthermore, when I try tty after login, it gives me: /dev/ttymxc4 (we want 
> to use ttymx1).
>I looked here https://busybox.net/downloads/BusyBox.html and in menuconfig
> for an option to change the UART interface but couldn't find any. Furthermore 
> I added
>::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttymxc1 115200 vt100
>and this
>ttymxc1::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttymxc1 115200 vt100
>to inittab to change the UART with no luck.
>Could someone here point me to documentation or give me a hint to achive this?

Generally, the console setting comes from our <machine>.conf. eg:
for beaglebone:
SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyO0"

This gets processed in bitbake.conf:
SERIAL_CONSOLES ??= "${@d.getVar('SERIAL_CONSOLE').replace(' ', ';')}"

later, based on the init manager:
busybox, systemd-serialgetty, or sysvinit-inittab use it.

In this case, updating the "<machine>.conf" should help.

>Thanks in advance, all the Best,
>Jakob Hasse
>Software Developement
>E: jakob.ha...@smart-home-technology.ch
>T: +41 44 552 02 66 
>Smart Home Technology GmbH

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