Attendees: Armin, Stephano, Juro, Stephen, Ross, Joshua Watt, Amanda,
Tim, David Reyna, Denys, Randy, Michael Halstead, Richard, Alex Kanavin,
Bill Mills, Mark Hatle, Tracey Erway

Current Status:

It was mentioned that the 2.6 features should be discussed on the YPTM
next month. The hope is that people who have submitted feature requests
can give some feedback and possible help by contributing.

Any secondary GCC (e.g. 6.4 on Rocko) is hard to test on the
autobuilder. We should look into ways to automate this task if possible.
Also, Mark brought up that there is a built-in test suite in GCC which
YP isn't using. There is a long standing bugzilla entry for that:

Please feel free to comment with suggestions.

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