On 06/12/2018 04:07 PM, Ricardo Ramirez wrote:

You are right. I didn't define a clear scope for what I wanted to validate. Apologies about that imprecision.

If possible, I'd like to divide the validation process into three stages

1. The system has a clean boot up process
2. The system is tested using a C-based benchmark (e.g. SPEC CPU2006)
3. The system is validated using a more complex set of testbench frameworks (e.g. http://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/ <http://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/>))

My immediate goal is to accomplish stages 1 and 2.

Considering the stages listed above, what steps would I need to follow?

1. You need to create and boot an image for the target system, and run basic smoke tests (e.g. that you can log in, and the network is up and runing etc). We do this in a fully automated fashion when the target hardware is QEMU emulation of various machines:

bitbake -c testimage <image_name>

2. You need to place the benchmark software into the target image, by building and packaging it via yocto recipes that you need to write. I don't know if the recipes for benchmarks you mentioned are already available somewhere; in that case you can simply re-use that, and configure your image to include that. Then you boot the image on the target hardware and run the benchmarks.

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