On 11/4/18 11:55 AM, Patrick Boettcher wrote:
Hi list,

I'm using the morty-release for my device.

My sources consists of different layers. Some application
specific-layers (which contains a image-recipe), our
BSP-provider and tooling-layers.

It now happens that in there is package (dt-utils) which has recipes in
two different layers, with different versions.

In my image-file I request the package via

     IMAGE_INSTALL += "dt-utils"

How do I force the version of dt-utils for this image? By default it
selects the wrong one.

Here's what I tried, by adding to the image-recipe:

     DEPENDS += "dt-utils (>= 2017.03.0)"


     RDEPENDS += "dt-utils (>= 2017.03.0)"

seems to have no effect. Adding the version-logic to the
IMAGE_INSTALL-line fails to build.

What works is to add PREFERRED_VERSION to local.conf. But this is not
committable, so I'd like to avoid it.

Can't you use PREFERRED_VERSION and commit that in one of the
layers that you control?

$ cd .../meta-virtualization.git
$ grep -r PREFERRED_VERSION .| head -1
./conf/distro/include/meta-virt-default-versions.inc:PREFERRED_VERSION_python-blinker = "1.3"



best regards,

# Randy MacLeod
# Wind River Linux
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