> I'm not sure what the request is here. To ask all the repository
> maintainers *to add tags* so you don't return a fatal on git describe?

Not quite. To add tags, yes, NOT for git describe (it is just a test).
Rather for git log (using tags).

Thank you,

On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 7:37 PM Beth Flanagan <pi...@toganlabs.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 9:18 AM Zoran Stojsavljevic
> <zoran.stojsavlje...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello YOCTO people,
> >
> > I would like to use standard git tool while using all the Yocto
> > layers. NOT only Poky repository (which, I believe, works all the way
> > with git tools), but as much as possible with other github proprietary
> > repos and layers. Since I am not able to execute git commands using
> > some number of proprietary repos over github.
> >
> > As example, I'll use meta-bbb repository.
> > https://github.com/jumpnow/meta-bbb.git, after cloning the following
> > happens (chosen, since it has at least dozen of branches):
> >
> > After cloning, I did not get anything from the following commands,
> > being in the root of the meta-bbb repo, namely:
> >
> > [user@fedora28-ssd meta-bbb]$ pwd
> > /home/user/projects2/beaglebone-black/yocto-master/meta-bbb
> > [user@fedora28-ssd meta-bbb]$ git describe
> > fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.
> > [user@fedora28-ssd meta-bbb]$ git tag
> > [user@fedora28-ssd meta-bbb]$ git checkout thud
> > Branch 'thud' set up to track remote branch 'thud' from 'origin'.
> > Switched to a new branch 'thud'
> > [user@fedora28-ssd meta-bbb]$ git checkout sumo
> > Switched to branch 'sumo'
> > Your branch is up to date with 'origin/sumo'.
> > [user@fedora28-ssd meta-bbb]$ git describe
> > fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything.
> > [user@fedora28-ssd meta-bbb]$
> >
> > The rationale behind this request: git is the powerful tool which
> > should work and be solely used for YOCTO layers' synchronization. In
> > other words, YOCTO should give some tools' (namely git) unification
> > guidelines in some way. :-)
> >
> Zoran,
> This is normal behaviour for git repositories with no tags. Git
> describe just describes the latest annotated tag and if there is none,
> then it of course, can't describe anything. Generally, this is up to
> the repo maintainer to define tagging policy (I think all we do in
> OE/YP is ask for named release branches).  So this isn't something
> that is "broken" it's just not asked of layer maintainers. I'm not
> sure why you need git describe in your workflow, but you could easily
> write something that reverts to something like `git shortlog -1` or
> something on repos that return fatal on a git describe.
> I'm not sure what the request is here. To ask all the repository
> maintainers to add tags so you don't return a fatal on git describe?
> -b
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