On Thu, 3 Jan 2019 at 10:09, Peter Balazovic <balazovic.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to use "devtool" from eSDK to create own recipe. At first it 
> works with repo and can generate recipe and binaries and deploy to target 
> machine.
> Now I'd like to update it with a new revision of source code.
> So I updated SRCREV per released commit and as well add PV = 
> "0.1+git${SRCPV}".
> I am not editing source code locally at workspace of eSDK.
> I rebuilt it but it seems still the same revision is built. What else needs 
> to update to correctly rebuild from new revision of repo?

When you have a recipe source code in the workspace, that source code
takes priority over what the recipe is saying. You need to first issue
'devtool finish' (puts the changes back into the recipe) or 'devtool
reset' (does not do that).

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