I'm having some problems with a packagegroup of ours.

It basically looks like this:

    inherit packagegroup

    RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\
        libdomain-somelib \
        libsomeotherlib \
        served-util \

Where served-util also is a lib.

 Now depending on what I put in my RDEPENDS my build either succeeds
or fails with:

      Problem: conflicting requests
      - nothing provides libserved-utilsoversion needed by

I can go from a failing build to a successful build just by moving the
quote up to the served-util line:

    <same as before>

It also works if I swap served-util with the package above:

        served-util \
        libsomeotherlib \

I realize this might be a bit vague but I'm happy to look around for
this bug if I could just get some pointers as to where I should be
looking. I have grepped for soversion in my packages image and
package* dirs in tmp/work and I have grepped for it in the
poky/bitbake dir without success.

But to me it looks like "soversion" in libserved-utilsoversion is
leaking in from some script somewhere

I'd love some pointers to which parts of bitbake is handling this stuff.

Best Regards,
yocto mailing list

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