Thank you, Paul. I did read Andrei's excellent documentation and enabled I2C and SPI etc.


On 5/16/19 8:39 AM, Paul Barker wrote:
On Thu, 16 May 2019, at 16:33, Rudolf J Streif wrote:
I am trying to use the "official" RPi 7" touch display
( with
meta-raspberrypi (most recent from master). However, I cannot get it to
work. As a matter of fact the display does not even show the GPU rainbow
screen making me think that the GPU firmware packaged with
meta-raspberrypi does not support the DSI display. It works just fine
with the latest Raspbian release (screen and touch).

I searched the web up and down but could not find anything. Maybe
somebody has an idea? Wrong firmware (maybe cannot be distributed
because of licensing...)?
I'd recommend looking at
 to see if there's some extra option you need to enable. If there's nothing 
documented there then raise an issue on the GitHub repository.


Rudolf J Streif
CEO/CTO ibeeto
+1.855.442.3396 x700

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