Is there any schedule when the next update will come? (hopefully with tags added to the mdimporter)

Yes, but I can't share. :-)

I'm mostly kidding. As a rule, we don't pre-announce our schedule, or feature intentions. This is partly for competitive reasons (how many features originated in Yojimbo have you seen copied in other products?).

But it's mostly because we really don't want to set expectations, and not meet them. If I promise I'll ship feature A on a certain date, and something unforeseen comes up (like improving search performance took 3x as long as anticipated), then one of several things happens:

    I have to ship on time, with a missing (promised) feature;
    I ship on time, with the feature, but without adequate testing;
    I ship late, but with the feature

None of these look good.

I do realize that in this internet world of perpetual beta, people have altered expectations. Software should be released early and often; or it's okay if it crashes/kills my cat/sets my MacBook on fire, and so on.

We aren't willing to compromise quality in the interest of buzz.

That said, I realize a Yojimbo update is long overdue. I can assure you, we haven't been sitting around eating donuts and drinking coffee. You guys are using Yojimbo in very different ways than we ever imagined, and we're trying to make things work better for you. Improving search performance was our number one task for this release, and I have to say, it put up a glorious fight. Now that we're all bandaged up, we've got a couple other things up our sleeve which I think you'll all like, too.

If you've read this far, thanks. It's frustrating to me to not be able to give you a concrete answer, but I hope I've explained "why" in a way you can understand.

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