Two possibilities in my mind. Either much of the organizational horsepower of the iPhone is tied to Leopard or stick to a Palm for a phone/pda.


On Jul 11, 2007, at 1:45 PM, infrahile wrote:

Maybe Leopard Mail's 'Notes' feature would provide a workable conduit for getting basic notes to and from an iPhone via an ITunes sync…? Sounds iCludgy just thinking about it though!


On 11 Jul 2007, at 18:40, David Nedrow wrote:

On Jul 11, 2007, at 1:26 PM, Steve Drach wrote:

This feature is high on my wishlist too--be sure to ping Apple with your request because until they open up third party development...

Just out of curiosity, what iPhone application will be used to view the synced Yojimbo data?

I think that was the point Jeff was making. Unless and until Apple decides to allow actual app development for the iPhone, it's going to be near impossible for something like Yojimbo to be used with it (either fully or just data view) without some type of online web component.

I suppose one way to do it would be to sync to .Mac (or another web server) and then have an Ajax frontend posted as well. Then you could use Safari to at least get a static view of most Yojimbo items.


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