I understand, however, from posing my own support issue to Mark/ Space, that BareBones wrote the conduit that syncs Yojimbo. I don't know if that's true, but the support person suggested a number of steps and, failing those, he suggested that I contact Barebones.


On Aug 5, 2007, at 12:20 PM, Jacob Evans wrote:

On Aug 1, 2007, at 10:44 AM, Ross Winn wrote:

When my Motorola Q syncs the system log repeats this for fifteen to twenty minutes and then just stops. Any ideas?

8/1/07 12:41:28 MSUI: Mark/Space Notes: setStatusString string=Beginning session with Sync Services.

You may want to try searching or posting at the MarkSpace forums (http://forums.markspace.com). Folks there would probably be better suited to answer your question.



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