I have a question about mail message drop dock behavior.

I use two mail clients on my machine, Entourage for work email and Mail.app for personal email. Dragging a message from each of these to the Drop Dock results in a different behavior from Yojimbo. I don't see any easy way to make it so that both do the same thing, which is the behavior that I want.

1) Entourage: I drag a mail message to Yojimbo Drop Dock. This results in a note object with the header+body of the email in the note text. Awesome. What I want.

2) Mail.app: I drag mail message to Yojimbo Drop Dock. This results in a Bookmark object. Not what I want. I also have the "When Handling URL's" preference set to "Web Archives"

Isn't this bookmark a URL? If so, shouldn't this behavior respect the preference for URL's? I delete email, so I want to make a Yojimbo copy of it.

For now I will just keep copying the entire body text. The issue with that is that it loses the context I would have gotten from the header information. That context is critical in my opinion.

Anyone have a workaround or other method to accomplish what I am trying to do?

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