David G. Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08-04-17 10.22

I have investigated all of those, with mixed results. Journler is
dropping blog support. Plus their blog support is basically to
export to ecto, and then re-edit in ecto. I hate doing the same
thing over and over again. :-)

I've been in a slightly similar situation but instead of Yojimbo (which for me is a "box for various information") I use Journler. For various reasons (I'm doing some custom tag translation) I use an applescript to send the entry from Journler to MarsEdit which I only use to post the entry - nothing else (for this blog at least).

A similar solution could be done using Yojimbo which would allow to post an entry from Yojimbo to your blog using MarsEdit/Ecto with one single shortcut - you would actually never have to do anything at all in MarsEdit/Ecto. (and you can add all kind of custom actions/tagging)
Jan Erik Moström, www.mostrom.pp.se

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