Make that Option-8.

Gotta learn to stay away from the computer when I'm sick. :/


On 30-Apr-08, at 8:54 AM, Ted Wood wrote:

Option-* creates a bullet point, but just the character, no intending or formatting to go with it.


On 30-Apr-08, at 6:58 AM, Chris Coldewey wrote:

Hi there,
I'm looking for the quickest way to activate bullet points from the keyboard while in a note.

Currently, I Cmd-R to reveal the ruler, Ctrl-Shift-Tab to the Lists menu, then Down Arrow a couple times to reach the bullet point icon, Return to select it, then Tab to go back to the body of the note. Another Cmd-R to hide the ruler is optional.

Or I mouse it. Either way it seems like there should be a better option for something so simple.

Is there a system-wide keyboard shortcut for activating bullet points that I am missing? Or a way to create keyboard shortcuts for non-menu items?


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