Dg maraknya worm.virus.MyDoom dan worm.mimail maka banyak anti virus
notification yg salah kirim, shg sangat disarankan agar AV notification
to sender/recipient di level server sebaiknya di non aktifkan saja.

--[Begin forwarded message]--

Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 11:35:26 +0700
From: Syafril Hermansyah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [MDaemon-L] Perlu/tidaknya AV notification to sender/recipient


Ada artikel bagus mengenai perlu/tidaknya AV notification ke


Saya kutipkan sedikit hal-2x yg pokok

--[begin quote]---

"It would be a simple feature for AV companies to implement some
intelligence into their notification process ie. notification should
only take place on viruses that are known to use real source addresses,
and viruses that are known to use "spoofed" source addresses, should not
be notified." 

--[end quote]--

Sampai hal ini bisa dilakukan oleh AV Engine (utk MDaemon artinya
Kaspersky Labs), maka notification to sender/recipient tidak ada

Pendapat dari Russ Cooper ini patut diperhatikan :

--[begin quote]--

Russ Cooper, editor of the NTBugTraq mailing list, said the bottom line
was that if people cared, they should call; "otherwise, drop refuse on
the floor instead of throwing it, or its wrapper, back on the internet."

Cooper, who is also surgeon-general for TruSecure Corp, said most
viruses these days used spoofed email addresses and therefore "using an
anti-virus product which automatically notifies the perceived sender of
a message it believes is infected may well cause more harm than good.

"Someone who did not actually send you a virus may receive the
notification and scramble their support staff to find an infection which
never existed in the first place. Suggest such notifications be disabled
by whomever is responsible for your AV, or at least that the idea is

Cooper said: "Basically, the concept of providing notification to an
email address you believe sent you a virus-laden message is well
intentioned, but horribly not thought out. Firstly, it means for each
virus email sent there may be, at least, one additional message sent
(the notice). Ergo, every virus is twice as powerful as it is on its

"Secondly, if your anti-virus program or mail server include the entire
original message, or the virus attachment received, you are in fact
potentially spreading the virus further than it could go itself. Imagine
if the person you believe sent it to you didn't, now you send them the
virus and bingo, you are the infector not the original virus writer.

"Finally, you bounce to them, they bounce back to you. You get an
infected message from a valid domain, but an invalid user at that
domain. You bounce them back a warning. They bounce back to you saying
the user doesn't exist. Gee, now we've tripled the volume.

"And for what? You don't check to ensure they've cleaned the virus out
of their system. You don't call them to ensure their potentially totally
bogged down mail server has actually delivered your virus warning
message to the right person. You don't even know if you're server was
previously seen or perceived to be sending them the same virus, at which
point they may have blocked any communication from you." 

--[end quote]--

Syafril Hermansyah

--[End of forwarded message 8]--

Syafril Hermansyah

MDaemon-L Moderators, menggunakan MDaemon 7.0R beta T under W3K

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