Hi Cliff,

Walter kindly forwarded your mail. I am going to answer your
information in detail below.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Walter Hieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05.04.2006 17:05
Subject: Cliff Wade (Hawkwind) as potential package builder

Hey Tobias I found this excellent package builder and he is interested
in developing with Yoper can you fill him in on the details.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hawkwind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 1:17 AM
To: Walter Hieber
Subject: Re: SoS Contact Form: Please consider joining Yoper Linux as a


Thanks for the email as well as the kind words.  I do have a couple of
questions for ya since I'm not familiar with Yoper at all.


First of all, I assume you are a developer of some sort for the distro,
and if so, what exactly is your role/position with Yoper ?
Secondly, what package manager does Yoper use.  I see on the site that
apt-get and rpm are mentioned, so am I correct by saying that apt-get is
the main package manager ?


Packages are rpm . Main package management tool is smart. Apt-rpm is
quite outdated , maintainership of it just recently went to Panu
Matileinen, we'll see what he comes up with.


Does Yoper have a certain build policy to follow concerning the building
of rpm's ?  For example, Mandriva has quite a strict policy and I'm not
sure if you are familiar with it or not.  Here is a sample of their
policy on this URL:


I guess what you're looking for is hidden here :


Not of all it is most up-to-date .


I've not really used any other rpm based distro other than Mandriva with
the exception of Fedora Core 3 for about a months time.  Just wasn't to
my liking.  I joined the IRC channel but there was no one there, 2 other
nicks beside me at the time.  I was hoping to see a bit bigger of a


Well there are times of much activity and so are others. Currently we
are all a bit busy with frequent peaks. Joining the dev-list is a good
idea though :



Can you tell me what the ultimate goal of Yoper is as far as development
wise.  Where do ya'll want to be in 6 months, 18 months and so on ?


Since we had a restart with development and have just went public the
timeline is somewhat open. Trying to answer your question here though
other input welcome.

Where we are:

Yoper packages are stunning fast and pretty stable. Yet quite some
configuration is left undone.

6 months:

Come up with a final tightened Yoper version fully functional and
working right out of the box. Current issues are 1) PAM-configuration
scheme 2) handling usb storage media and other external devices more
properly (automatically)

12 months:

Yoper-3.1 with usability improvements
kickoff of 64-bit version.


Can you supply me with a URL of the Yoper repo that contains all of the
rpms, source rpms, and all of that like Mandriva has.


ftp://ftp.yoper.com/pub/yoper is a good place to start, if you look
for yoper specific changes it's better to look here :


Source repository yet to setup, still on my todo-list.

Feel free to dig in further and bug us .


Tobias Gerschner
Member of Board of Yoper Ltd. NZ

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
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