
The buildserver got a little bit fine tuned.

There are now internal and external repositories. The external
repositories should be used by testers and is the source for updating
ftp.yoper.com . They only contain latest packages. It is getting
rebuild twice a day. Because of the filtering of the latest packages
it takes quite a bit of time rebuilding those indizes.

The internal repositories are supposed to be used by packagers and are
used by the buildserver as well. They contain all packages that are
built in a branch.

Please download the latest configuration from here and replace your
old one !. Don't forget to add ccache less nano into the build section

In that file is also an hint of how to adjust /etc/mach/location.
After that is done clean out your buildenvironments ( mach clean ) and
set them up again.

You're free to use the other repository of course but you may be up to
12 hours behind the most current packages.


Tobias Gerschner
Member of Board of Yoper Linux Ltd. NZ

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
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