
the majority of our mirrors have decided to mirror only the yoper-3.0
directory ( /pub/yoper/yoper-3.0 ) .

This was the reason to move the dynamite package component into yoper
3.0 channel. Apparently I also have to do the same in our svn.

The current setup assumes a similar structur throughout all projects.
That was the initial design. There would be other solution. But they
would impose a far bigger workload whereas I just want to get things
working right now.

So please, if you have a local svn copy, please take a backup of your
svn workdirectory. Afterwards do a full svn up in the upmost directory
of your svn copy.


Tobias Gerschner
Member of Board of Yoper Linux Ltd. NZ

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
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