Author: jmorliaguet
Date: Mon Nov  7 11:42:26 2005
New Revision: 29044

   z3lab/cpsskins/branches/jmo-perspectives/doc/portlet-modes.txt   (contents, 
props changed)

- draft document about portlets / widgets

Added: z3lab/cpsskins/branches/jmo-perspectives/doc/portlet-modes.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ z3lab/cpsskins/branches/jmo-perspectives/doc/portlet-modes.txt      Mon Nov 
 7 11:42:26 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Different types of edit forms are present in the application, depending on the
+objects that are edited and the context in which they are being edited.
+  (Site / application designer)
+  Edit form            Edit form
+                                          (End-user)
+      |                   |
+      v                   v               Edit form (edit mode)
+  -----------         ----------       /
+  | PORTLET |   -->   | WIDGET |   -->
+  -----------         ----------       \
+                                          Rendered portlet (view mode)
+A) Site / application designer
+The site designer can configure the portlets and the widgets that are present 
+the rendering pipeline. The edit forms apply to the individual pipeline
+elements (not to the pipeline's output).
+So the site designer:
+  - configures the portlet (portlet edit form)
+  - configures the portlet's widget (widget edit form)
+  the forms are generated by zope3 outside cpsskins (formlib,
+  or via a custom edit form (ZPT, Ajax, ...)
+B) End-user
+The end-users never see the portlet edit form or the widget edit form in A).
+They only see for a given portlet the final output of the rendering pipeline::
+   portlet > widget > output
+The widget applied to the portlet can be rendered in view mode or in edit
+mode (in case the user should have the possibility to configure some of the
+portlet's features). In most cases the portlets are rendered in 'view' mode
+So the end-user:
+  - experiences the portlet in view mode
+  - experiences the portlet in edit mode (if the widget supports editing)
+The edit form (in edit mode) is generated by the cpsskins widget. The widget's
+function is to make it possible to edit the portlet's settings.
+[1] MacOSX Dashboard widgets

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