Author: jmorliaguet
Date: Sun May 21 11:46:07 2006
New Revision: 3178

   cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/setup/io/README.txt   (contents, props 


- moved IO tests to setup/IO

Modified: cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/ftests/
--- cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/ftests/ (original)
+++ cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/ftests/ Sun May 21 
11:46:07 2006
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 def test_suite():
     return unittest.TestSuite((
         FunctionalDocFileSuite('../setup/README.txt', setUp=setUp),
+        FunctionalDocFileSuite('../setup/io/README.txt', setUp=setUp),
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Modified: cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/setup/README.txt
--- cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/setup/README.txt        (original)
+++ cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/setup/README.txt        Sun May 21 
11:46:07 2006
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
     >>> resources.unregister(uri=u'cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]', context=root)
     Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ValueError: No such local setting: 'cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
+    ValueError: No such setting: 'cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 so we register a local resource, we do this by passing a context to register():
@@ -157,21 +157,14 @@
 Unregistering settings
-when unregistering a setting, a context must be given:
-    >>> resources.unregister(uri=u'cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    ValueError: Must specify a context.
-and a setting URI must be specified:
+when unregistering a setting, a setting URI must be specified:
     >>> resources.unregister(context=root)
     Traceback (most recent call last):
     KeyError: 'Must specify a setting URI.'
-so we pass both:
+if a context is specified, the resource is unregistered locally:
     >>> resources.unregister(uri='cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]', context=root)
@@ -492,302 +485,7 @@
 Export of resources
-Resources can be exported using the IDOMAdapter adapter.
-    >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
-    >>> from xml.dom.minidom import DOMImplementation
-    >>> dom = DOMImplementation()
-    >>> from import IDOMAdapter
-    >>> def toXML(obj, title=u'resources', attributes=(), ignored=(),
-    ...           archive=None):
-    ...     document = dom.createDocument(None, title, None)
-    ...     doc = document.documentElement
-    ...     exporter = getMultiAdapter((obj, doc), IDOMAdapter)
-    ...     exporter.archive = archive
-    ...     exporter.document = document
-    ...     exporter.fields_as_attributes = attributes
-    ...     exporter.ignored_fields = ignored
-    ...
-    ...     return document.toprettyxml(indent=u'  ', encoding=u'utf-8')
-Export of styles
-    >>> resource = Style()
-    >>> resource[u'div.body'] = {'color': u'red', 'border': u'none'}
-    >>> print toXML(resource, u'styles')
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <styles>
-      <style id="...">
-        <rule selector="div.body">
-          <property name="color" value="red"/>
-          <property name="border" value="none"/>
-        </rule>
-      </style>
-    </styles>
-Export of settings
-    >>> style = Style()
-    >>> style[u'h1'] = {'color': 'red'}
-    >>> root[u'style-1'] = style
-    >>> resources.register(name=u'style1', title=u'Style 1', resource=style)
-    <Setting: cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-When exporting settings, the resource's own type is skipped, we write:
-    <setting ... type="format-style">
-      <rule>
-        ...
-      </rule>
-    </setting>
-instead of:
-    <setting ... type="format-style">
-      <style id="...">
-        <rule>
-          ...
-        </rule>
-      </style>
-    </setting>
-    >>> setting = resources.lookup(u'cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
-    >>> print toXML(setting, u'settings')
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <settings>
-      <setting custom="False" name="style1" title="Style 1" 
-        <rule selector="h1">
-          <property name="color" value="red"/>
-        </rule>
-      </setting>
-    </settings>
-Export of relations
-Monadic relations:
-    >>> from cpsskins.relations import MonadicRelation, Predicate
-    >>> relation = MonadicRelation(predicate=Predicate(u'_ A'),
-    ...                            first=Actions(u'Actions portlet'))
-    >>> print toXML(relation, u'relations')
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <relations>
-      <monad predicate="_ A">
-        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.actions:..."/>
-      </monad>
-    </relations>
-Dyadic relations:
-    >>> from cpsskins.standard.portlets.breadcrumbs.portlet import Breadcrumbs
-    >>> from cpsskins.relations import DyadicRelation
-    >>> relation = DyadicRelation(predicate=Predicate(u'_ B _'),
-    ...                           first=Actions(u'Actions portlet'),
-    ...                           second=Breadcrumbs(u'Breadcrumbs portlet'))
-    >>> print toXML(relation, u'relations')
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <relations>
-      <dyad predicate="_ B _">
-        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.actions:..."/>
-        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.breadcrumbs:..."/>
-      </dyad>
-    </relations>
-Triadic relations:
-    >>> from cpsskins.relations import TriadicRelation
-    >>> from cpsskins.elements.slot import Slot
-    >>> relation = TriadicRelation(predicate=Predicate(u'_ C _ D _'),
-    ...                            first=Actions(u'Actions portlet'),
-    ...                            second=Breadcrumbs(u'Breadcrumbs portlet'),
-    ...                            third=Slot(slot=u'slotA'))
-    >>> print toXML(relation, u'relations')
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <relations>
-      <triad predicate="_ C _ D _">
-        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.actions:..."/>
-        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.breadcrumbs:..."/>
-        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-slot:slotA"/>
-      </triad>
-    </relations>
-Export of elements
-    >>> from cpsskins.elements.pageblock import PageBlock
-    >>> pageblock = PageBlock(u'Some page block')
-    >>> root['pageblock'] = pageblock
-    >>> from cpsskins.elements.cell import Cell
-    >>> cell1 = Cell(u'Some cell 1')
-    >>> cell2 = Cell(u'Some cell 2')
-    >>> pageblock[u'cell1'] = cell1
-    >>> pageblock[u'cell2'] = cell2
-    >>> from cpsskins.elements.slot import Slot
-    >>> slot = Slot(u'Some slot', slot=u'slot1')
-    >>> pageblock[u'cell1'][u'slot'] = slot
-    >>> print toXML(pageblock, u'elements', (u'title', u'description'),
-    ...             (u'slot',))
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <elements>
-      <pageblock id="..." title="Some page block">
-        <cell id="..." title="Some cell 1">
-          <slot description="" id="slot1" title="Some slot"/>
-        </cell>
-        <cell id="..." title="Some cell 2"/>
-      </pageblock>
-    </elements>
-Export of container elements
-    >>> from cpsskins.tests.setup import addThemeManager, addThemeSkeleton
-    >>> root = getRootFolder()
-    >>> theme = addThemeSkeleton(tmutil)
-    >>> print toXML(theme, u'themes', (u'title', ), (u'slot',))
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <themes>
-      <theme id="..." title="A theme">
-        <themepage id="..." title="A page">
-          <pageblock id="..." title="A page block">
-            <cell id="..." title="A cell"/>
-          </pageblock>
-        </themepage>
-      </theme>
-    </themes>
-Export of portlets
-    >>> portlet = Actions(title=u'Action portlet', category=u'zmi_views')
-    >>> print toXML(portlet, u'portlets',  (u'title', ))
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <portlets>
-      <portlet id="..." title="Action portlet" type="standard.actions">
-        <category value="zmi_views"/>
-      </portlet>
-    </portlets>
-Export of display elements
-    >>> from cpsskins.standard.displays.area import Area
-    >>> area = Area()
-    >>> print toXML(area, u'displays')
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <displays>
-      <area id="..."/>
-    </displays>
-Export of format elements
-    >>> from cpsskins.standard.formats.effect import Effect
-    >>> effect = Effect(width=100, height=80) 
-    >>> print toXML(effect, u'formats')
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <formats>
-      <effect id="...">
-        <types value=""/>
-        <format value="PNG"/>
-        <width value="100"/>
-        <height value="80"/>
-        <keep_ratio value="True"/>
-      </effect>
-    </formats>
-Export of binary data
-    >>> from cpsskins.standard.portlets.image.portlet import Image
-    >>> portlet = Image(title=u'Image portlet')
-    >>> portlet.contentType = u'image/png'
-    >>> = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00x" \
-    ... "\x00\x00\x00x\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x03\xaa\xa4\x91\x00\x00\x00" \
-    ... "\x03PLTE\xff\xff\xff\xa7\xc4\x1b\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x17IDAT8\xcbc`" \
-    ... "\x18\x05\xa3`\x14\x8c\x82Q0\nF\x01\xbd\x01\x00\x07\x80\x00\x01:" \
-    ... "\xe7\xca\xd4\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82"
-    >>> root[u'portlet-1'] = portlet
-    >>> from import getImageInfo
-    >>> getImageInfo(
-    ('image/png', 120, 120)
-    >>> archive = {}
-    >>> print toXML(portlet, u'portlets', archive=archive)
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <portlets>
-      <portlet id="..." type="standard.image">
-        <title value="Image portlet"/>
-        <link value=""/>
-        <data value="..._data_120x120.png"/>
-        <contentType value="image/png"/>
-      </portlet>
-    </portlets>
-    >>> binary_name = u'%s_data_120x120.png' % portlet.identifier
-    >>> archive[binary_name] ==
-    True
-Export of fields
-    >>> from cpsskins.standard.fields.color import Color
-    >>> blue = Color(r=0, g=0, b=255)
-    >>> root[u'color-1'] = blue
-    >>> print blue
-    #0000ff
-    >>> archive = {}
-    >>> print toXML(blue, u'colors', archive=archive)
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <colors>
-      <color id="...">
-        <rgb value="0, 0, 255"/>
-      </color>
-    </colors>
+See io/README.txt
 Resolving URIs
@@ -797,7 +495,8 @@
 Resources can be accessed by using the name of the setting under which the
 resource has been registered (cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]).
-    >>> color = Color(r=255, g=0, b=0)
+    >>> from cpsskins.standard.fields.color import WebColor
+    >>> color = WebColor(r=255, g=0, b=0)
     >>> root[u'color'] = color
     >>> print color

Added: cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/setup/io/README.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/setup/io/README.txt     Sun May 21 
11:46:07 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+Export of resources
+Resources can be exported using the IDOMAdapter adapter.
+    >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter, getUtility
+    >>> from cpsskins.setup.interfaces import IResourceManager
+    >>> from import IDOMAdapter
+    >>> from xml.dom.minidom import DOMImplementation
+    >>> dom = DOMImplementation()
+    >>> def toXML(obj, title=u'resources', attributes=(), ignored=(),
+    ...           archive=None):
+    ...     document = dom.createDocument(None, title, None)
+    ...     doc = document.documentElement
+    ...     exporter = getMultiAdapter((obj, doc), IDOMAdapter)
+    ...     exporter.archive = archive
+    ...     exporter.document = document
+    ...     exporter.fields_as_attributes = attributes
+    ...     exporter.ignored_fields = ignored
+    ...
+    ...     return document.toprettyxml(indent=u'  ', encoding=u'utf-8')
+    >>> root = getRootFolder()
+    >>> from cpsskins.tests.setup import addThemeManager
+    >>> from cpsskins.tests.setup import makeSite
+    >>> tmutil = addThemeManager(root, makeSite(root))
+    >>> resources = getUtility(IResourceManager)
+Export of styles
+    >>> from import Style
+    >>> resource = Style()
+    >>> resource[u'div.body'] = {'color': u'red', 'border': u'none'}
+    >>> print toXML(resource, u'styles')
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <styles>
+      <style id="...">
+        <rule selector="div.body">
+          <property name="color" value="red"/>
+          <property name="border" value="none"/>
+        </rule>
+      </style>
+    </styles>
+Export of settings
+    >>> style = Style()
+    >>> style[u'h1'] = {'color': 'red'}
+    >>> root[u'style-1'] = style
+    >>> resources.register(name=u'style1', title=u'Style 1', resource=style)
+    <Setting: cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+When exporting settings, the resource's own type is skipped, we write:
+    <setting ... type="format-style">
+      <rule>
+        ...
+      </rule>
+    </setting>
+instead of:
+    <setting ... type="format-style">
+      <style id="...">
+        <rule>
+          ...
+        </rule>
+      </style>
+    </setting>
+    >>> setting = resources.lookup(u'cpsskins://[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
+    >>> print toXML(setting, u'settings')
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <settings>
+      <setting custom="False" name="style1" title="Style 1" 
+        <rule selector="h1">
+          <property name="color" value="red"/>
+        </rule>
+      </setting>
+    </settings>
+Export of relations
+Monadic relations:
+    >>> from cpsskins.relations import MonadicRelation, Predicate
+    >>> from cpsskins.standard.portlets.actions.portlet import Actions
+    >>> relation = MonadicRelation(predicate=Predicate(u'_ A'),
+    ...                            first=Actions(u'Actions portlet'))
+    >>> print toXML(relation, u'relations')
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <relations>
+      <monad predicate="_ A">
+        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.actions:..."/>
+      </monad>
+    </relations>
+Dyadic relations:
+    >>> from cpsskins.standard.portlets.breadcrumbs.portlet import Breadcrumbs
+    >>> from cpsskins.relations import DyadicRelation
+    >>> relation = DyadicRelation(predicate=Predicate(u'_ B _'),
+    ...                           first=Actions(u'Actions portlet'),
+    ...                           second=Breadcrumbs(u'Breadcrumbs portlet'))
+    >>> print toXML(relation, u'relations')
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <relations>
+      <dyad predicate="_ B _">
+        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.actions:..."/>
+        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.breadcrumbs:..."/>
+      </dyad>
+    </relations>
+Triadic relations:
+    >>> from cpsskins.relations import TriadicRelation
+    >>> from cpsskins.elements.slot import Slot
+    >>> relation = TriadicRelation(predicate=Predicate(u'_ C _ D _'),
+    ...                            first=Actions(u'Actions portlet'),
+    ...                            second=Breadcrumbs(u'Breadcrumbs portlet'),
+    ...                            third=Slot(slot=u'slotA'))
+    >>> print toXML(relation, u'relations')
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <relations>
+      <triad predicate="_ C _ D _">
+        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.actions:..."/>
+        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-portlet-standard.breadcrumbs:..."/>
+        <relate uri="cpsskins://canvas-slot:slotA"/>
+      </triad>
+    </relations>
+Export of elements
+    >>> from cpsskins.elements.pageblock import PageBlock
+    >>> pageblock = PageBlock(u'Some page block')
+    >>> root['pageblock'] = pageblock
+    >>> from cpsskins.elements.cell import Cell
+    >>> cell1 = Cell(u'Some cell 1')
+    >>> cell2 = Cell(u'Some cell 2')
+    >>> pageblock[u'cell1'] = cell1
+    >>> pageblock[u'cell2'] = cell2
+    >>> from cpsskins.elements.slot import Slot
+    >>> slot = Slot(u'Some slot', slot=u'slot1')
+    >>> pageblock[u'cell1'][u'slot'] = slot
+    >>> print toXML(pageblock, u'elements', (u'title', u'description'),
+    ...             (u'slot',))
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <elements>
+      <pageblock id="..." title="Some page block">
+        <cell id="..." title="Some cell 1">
+          <slot description="" id="slot1" title="Some slot"/>
+        </cell>
+        <cell id="..." title="Some cell 2"/>
+      </pageblock>
+    </elements>
+Export of container elements
+    >>> from cpsskins.tests.setup import addThemeManager, addThemeSkeleton
+    >>> root = getRootFolder()
+    >>> theme = addThemeSkeleton(tmutil)
+    >>> print toXML(theme, u'themes', (u'title', ), (u'slot',))
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <themes>
+      <theme id="..." title="A theme">
+        <themepage id="..." title="A page">
+          <pageblock id="..." title="A page block">
+            <cell id="..." title="A cell"/>
+          </pageblock>
+        </themepage>
+      </theme>
+    </themes>
+Export of portlets
+    >>> portlet = Actions(title=u'Action portlet', category=u'zmi_views')
+    >>> print toXML(portlet, u'portlets',  (u'title', ))
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <portlets>
+      <portlet id="..." title="Action portlet" type="standard.actions">
+        <category value="zmi_views"/>
+      </portlet>
+    </portlets>
+Export of display elements
+    >>> from cpsskins.standard.displays.area import Area
+    >>> area = Area()
+    >>> print toXML(area, u'displays')
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <displays>
+      <area id="..."/>
+    </displays>
+Export of format elements
+    >>> from cpsskins.standard.formats.effect import Effect
+    >>> effect = Effect(width=100, height=80) 
+    >>> print toXML(effect, u'formats')
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <formats>
+      <effect id="...">
+        <types value=""/>
+        <format value="PNG"/>
+        <width value="100"/>
+        <height value="80"/>
+        <keep_ratio value="True"/>
+      </effect>
+    </formats>
+Export of binary data
+    >>> from cpsskins.standard.portlets.image.portlet import Image
+    >>> portlet = Image(title=u'Image portlet')
+    >>> portlet.contentType = u'image/png'
+    >>> = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00x" \
+    ... "\x00\x00\x00x\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x03\xaa\xa4\x91\x00\x00\x00" \
+    ... "\x03PLTE\xff\xff\xff\xa7\xc4\x1b\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x17IDAT8\xcbc`" \
+    ... "\x18\x05\xa3`\x14\x8c\x82Q0\nF\x01\xbd\x01\x00\x07\x80\x00\x01:" \
+    ... "\xe7\xca\xd4\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82"
+    >>> root[u'portlet-1'] = portlet
+    >>> from import getImageInfo
+    >>> getImageInfo(
+    ('image/png', 120, 120)
+    >>> archive = {}
+    >>> print toXML(portlet, u'portlets', archive=archive)
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <portlets>
+      <portlet id="..." type="standard.image">
+        <title value="Image portlet"/>
+        <link value=""/>
+        <data value="..._data_120x120.png"/>
+        <contentType value="image/png"/>
+      </portlet>
+    </portlets>
+    >>> binary_name = u'%s_data_120x120.png' % portlet.identifier
+    >>> archive[binary_name] ==
+    True
+Export of fields
+    >>> from cpsskins.standard.fields.color import WebColor
+    >>> blue = WebColor(r=0, g=0, b=255)
+    >>> root[u'color-1'] = blue
+    >>> print blue
+    #0000ff
+    >>> archive = {}
+    >>> print toXML(blue, u'colors', archive=archive)
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+    <colors>
+      <color id="...">
+        <rgb value="0, 0, 255"/>
+      </color>
+    </colors>

Modified: cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/setup/
--- cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/setup/        (original)
+++ cpsskins/branches/paris-sprint-2006/setup/        Sun May 21 
11:46:07 2006
@@ -139,9 +139,8 @@
                 return None
             obj_type = IType(obj).getTypeName()
             if type_name != obj_type:
-                logger.warning("type mismatch: expected '%s' got '%s'.",
-                               obj_type, type_name)
-                return None
+                raise TypeError("type mismatch: expected '%s' got '%s'." % \
+                                (obj_type, type_name))
             return obj

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