Saya ada foto Osama Bin Laden bersama saudara-saudari waktu mereka berlibur di 
Falun Swedia.  Saudari-saudarinya pakai jeans dan Tshirts, tidak ada itu 
jilbab, burkha, chador atau nikap pada mereka.  Kapan-kapan kalau saya temukan 
gambar tsb saya taruh mailing list.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: gkrantau 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 5:23 AM
  Subject: [zamanku] Re: New in Gulf: Bigger role for some first ladies

  BAGI YG pernah makan angin di Daulat Al Khaleej, perempuan Arab terutama yg 
terpelajar dan muda mendambakan dapat berpakaian yg sopan tapi praktis. Bagi yg 
kaya mereka memakai the latest fashion dari Italy dan Perancis di bawah nijab 

  Setiap kali aku naik pesawat keluar dari salah satu negara2 ini begitu lepas 
landas dan boleh berjalan, perempuan2 muda langsung 'make a beeline' ke toilet 
untuk melepas nijab mereka dan kemudian muncul kembali 'transformed' berbusana 
elok, sopan dan praktis.

  Tapi apa yg sedang terjadi di negara2 kere spt Indonesia, Bangladesh dan 
Pakistan - kaum perempuan dipaksa untuk menutupi aurat (ten of them) krn sang 
nabi mendekritkannya 1,400 taon lalu. Mereka ingin menunjukkan bhw mereka lebih 
Arab/Islam dari orang2 Arab sendiri dan semakin membatasi opportunity kerja. 
Sebagian besar perempuan Islam di Indonesia termasuk kelas kere, tidak 
berpendidikan dan tidak mempunyai marketable skills kecuali kerja di 
sawah/kebun dan di pabrik.

  Keharusan memakai jilbab selain gerah, tidak praktis, lebih mahal dari busana 
lain juga downright dangerous di pabrik dan samasekali tidak pantas di 
sawah/kebun. Tapi apa yg bisa dikatakan, mereka ini setidaknya muhrimnya ingin 
menterpurukkan kaum Muslimah dan membuatnya lebih gerah an menderita.

  Gabriela Rantau

  --- In, "Sunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Refleksi: Sangat menarik sekali bahwa Ratu Haya dari Dubai tidak memakai 
jilbab atau burkha. Apakah alasan pribadi atau karena kedudukannya dibolehkan 
  > Tuesday 23 September 2008 (23 Ramadan 1429)
  > New in Gulf: Bigger role for some first ladies
  > AP 
  > Dubai's Princess Haya 
  > DOHA: The first lady of Qatar walked up to the podium in a luxury hotel 
banquet room and sized up the crowd of mostly wealthy businessmen. "Do not be 
afraid to take risks and to try," she told them. "Think out of the box."
  > Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al-Missned took on a very untraditional role in 
rallying the men to support a $100-million initiative to tackle unemployment. 
Like her counterpart in Dubai, Oxford-educated Princess Haya, Mozah is taking 
up the Western "first lady" model - activist, globe-trotting and involved in 
public affairs.
  > The emergence of high-ranking wives on the public stage is part of the 
booming Gulf states' efforts to appear more in sync with the West as they seek 
investment, political clout and even big-name sporting events like the Olympics.
  > In recent years, Qatar has transformed its desert landscape into a 
financial and media hub. Mozah, who is believed to be in her 40s, has taken a 
starring role in the transformation. 
  > She is one of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani's wives and the only one 
who makes public appearances.
  > Her most prominent role is as chairwoman of the Qatar Foundation, which 
launched Education City, a 2,500-acre campus outside Doha and home to branches 
of prominent American universities like Carnegie Mellon and Georgetown.
  > Mozah is increasingly rivaling Queen Rania's globe-trotting, giving 
speeches at institutions in the US and Europe. Last year, she claimed one of 
the spots on Forbes magazine's list of the world's 100 most powerful women.
  > "No Gulf royalty stands out as Mozah does," said Rima Sabban, a Dubai-based 
sociologist. "She broke all cultural barriers and shaped an image of a woman 
that is fully modern, fully confident and fearless of a backlash from the 
society... Mozah's strategy is part of her husband's goal to put Qatar on the 
world map."
  > In the even glitzier city of Dubai, Princess Haya is also breaking the 
rules - giving speeches on public welfare, working on public projects, 
appearing in magazines, keeping personal websites and traveling the world. 
  > Dubai gained significant political influence in the region through the 2004 
marriage of its powerful ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, with the 
34-year-old Haya, daughter of the late King Hussein of Jordan.
  > Like Mozah, Haya has taken on public roles, including chairing the Dubai 
International Humanitarian City, a cluster of Western and Islamic charities. 
She represented Jordan in equestrian show jumping in the 2000 Olympic Games in 
Australia, is president of the International Equestrian Federation and even has 
a truck-driving license, obtained in Jordan to help transport her horses.
  > Other wives of Gulf rulers are active in campaigning for women's rights, 
charity and humanitarian issues, particularly in Bahrain and Kuwait, but they 
have not sought foreign attention or assumed highly public roles.


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