OOM JUSFIQ, sebagian besar Muslim akan berkata "Buat apa kirim satelit
kelilingi bulan atopun kirim manusia ke sana? Nabi junjungan sudah
membelah bulan dan belahannya bahkan sujud di hadapan beliau!"

Ahadist tidak menerangkan siapa yg mengembalikan bulan menjadi satu
planet lagi sesudah dibelah oleh Muhmmad. Tentunya menempelkan dua
belahan bulan itu jauh lebih sukar dari membelahnya. Begitu bulan
dibelah, maka mnrt ilmu pengetahuan belahan2 itu akan langsung
berjatuhan kalo tidak ke muka bumi, mungkin sekali ke tarik ke mathari
dan ludes terbakar. You'll see how difficult it was to put the two
halves of the moon back together!

Yah, sejenis dongeng Baron Von Munchhausen - terbang ke sorga tingkat 7
naik keledai yg berparas perempuan bahenol!

Gabriela Rantau
--- In zamanku@yahoogroups.com, Jusfiq Hadjar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kafir lagi yang bikin kemajuan...
> Orang Islam mah lebih asyik buang-buagn waktu buat tunggaang tunggik
lima kali sehari; buang-buang duit buat lari-lari kayak anjing kebelet
berak di Makkah;  lalu ngelempar setan yang nggak ada di padang pasir
> Atau berbunuhan seperti di Pakistan; Afghanistan, Iraq, Darfur,
Aljazair dll. dan bikin onar dimana-mana...
> Islam itu, saya bilang  dan saya ulang adalahk laknat buat ummat
manusia, artinya juga buat orang Islam.
> ----
> Indian satellite orbiting Moon
> India is celebrating the arrival of its Chandrayaan 1 spacecraft at
the Moon.
> An 817-second burn from the probe's engine on Saturday slowed
Chandrayaan sufficiently for it to be captured by the lunar body's
> The craft is now in an 11-hour polar ellipse that goes out to 7,502km
from the Moon and comes as close as 504km.
> Further brakings will bring the Indian satellite down to a
near-circular, 100km orbit from where it can begin its two-year mapping
> Launched on 22 October, Chandrayaan is India's first satellite to
break away from the Earth's gravitational field and reach the lunar
> 1 - Chandrayaan Energetic Neutral Analyzer (CENA)
> 2 - Moon Impact Probe (MIP)
> 3 - Radiation Dose Monitor (RADOM)
> 4 - Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC)
> 5 - Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3)
> 6 - Chandrayaan 1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS)
> 7 - Solar Panel
> The mission will compile a 3D atlas of the lunar surface and map the
distribution of elements and minerals.
> Powered by a single solar panel generating about 700 Watts, the Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO) probe carries five Indian-built
instruments and six constructed in other countries, including the US,
Britain and Germany.
> The Indian experiments include a 30kg probe that will be released from
the mothership to slam into the lunar surface.
> The Moon Impact Probe (MIP) will record video footage on the way down
and measure the composition of the Moon's tenuous atmosphere.
> It will also drop the Indian flag on the surface of the Moon.
> Story from BBC NEWS:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/science/nature/7718015.stm
> Published: 2008/11/08 19:14:52 GMT
>  ---------------
> Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo
> Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh
al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab
hanyalah Allah fiktif.

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