Nggak pengikut Muhamamdiyah, nggak pengkut  Nahdatul Ulama...

Susah memang untuk bilang Islam itu agama yang toleran..

Lha kitb sucinya, yag dianggap berisi wahyu Allah, bilang: perangi orang 


Published on The Jakarta Post (
Most Islamic studies teachers  oppose pluralism, survey finds
Abdul Khalik        ,                           The Jakarta Post        ,       
        Jakarta           |  Wed, 11/26/2008 7:06 AM  |  Headlines 
Most Islamic studies teachers in public and private schools in Java
oppose pluralism, tending toward radicalism and conservatism, according
to a survey released in Jakarta on Tuesday.

The study shows 62.4 percent of the surveyed Islamic teachers,
including those from Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah — the country’s
two largest Muslim organizations — reject the notion of having
non-Muslim leaders.

The survey was conducted last month by the Center for Islamic and
Society Studies (PPIM) at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University
in Jakarta, involving some 500 Islamic studies teachers throughout Java.

It reveals 68.6 percent of the respondents are opposed to non-Muslims
becoming their school principle and 33.8 percent are opposed to having
non-Muslim teachers at their schools.

Some 73.1 percent of the teachers don’t want followers of other
religions to build their houses of worship in their neighborhoods, it

Some 85.6 percent of the teachers prohibit their students from
celebrating big events perceived as Western traditions, while 87
percent tell their students not to learn about other religions.

Some 48 percent of the teachers would prefer for female and male students to be 
separated into different classrooms.

PPIM director Jajat Burhanudin said the teachers’ anti-pluralist views
would be reflected in their lessons and contribute to growing
conservatism and radicalism among Muslims in the country.

“I think they play a key role in promoting conservatism and radicalism
among Muslims nowadays. You can’t say now that conservatism and
radicalism only develop on the streets like what has been campaigned by
the FPI (the Islam Defenders Front), but rather deep within the
education (system),” he said, referring to a radical Islamic group. 

Jajat said such intolerance threatened the civil and political rights of 
citizens of other religions.
The survey also shows 75.4 percent of the respondents ask their
students to call on non-Muslim teachers to convert to Islam, while 61.1
percent reject a new Islamic sect.

In line with their strict beliefs, 67.4 percent said they felt more Muslim than 
The majority of the respondents also support the adoption of sharia law in the 
country to help fight crime.

According to the survey, 58.9 percent of the respondents back rajam
(stoning) as a punishment for all kinds of criminal and 47.5 percent
said the punishment for theft should be having one hand cut off, while
21.3 percent want the death sentence for those who convert from Islam.

Only 3 percent of the teachers said they felt it was their duty to produce 
tolerant students. 
With 44.9 percent of the respondents claiming themselves members of
Nahdlatul Ulama and 23.8 percent supporters of Muhammadiyah, Jajat said
the two moderate organizations had failed to establish their values at
the grassroots.

“Moderation and pluralism are only embraced by their elites. I am
afraid that this kind of phenomenon has contributed to increasing
radicalism and even terrorism in our country,” he said. 
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Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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