New York's top cop warns of copycat Mumbai attacks
        * Story Highlights
        * New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly says city vulnerable to 
Mumbai-like attacks

        * Several factors could make New York "compelling target," Kelly says

        * New York hotels, other "soft targets" urged to have emergency action 

By Juliana Silva
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Police Commissioner Ray Kelly warned Friday of possible 
attacks in the wake of last week's massacre in Mumbai, India.
many ways, the city of Mumbai bears striking similarities to New York,"
Kelly told reporters. "It is the country's financial capital, a densely
populated cultural metropolis and a hub for the media ... all of these
features make it a compelling target."
On November 26, a group of
armed gunmen conducted a series of coordinated attacks throughout the
Indian city, leaving 179 people dead and hundreds more injured.
remarks came at a news conference where he and the department's chief
intelligence officers issued security recommendations to New York
hotels and other "soft targets."
Lt. Mario Rivera, of the
department's intelligence division, recommended hotels have an
emergency action plan, take protective measures and be vigilant of
suspicious behavior.
Kelly said the attack "reminds us that the threat of international Islamic 
extremism shows no signs of abating."
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